IT Governance, a leading CREST-accredited Cyber Essentials certification body, has joined Beyond the Clouds to offer you an exclusive discount on your Cyber Essentials application.

Cyber Essentials

This exclusive offer includes a review of your self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ), the required vulnerability scan and the certification service.

You will also be able to manage the entire process online at your own pace via the IT Governance Cyber Essentials portal.


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What is Cyber Essentials?

The Cyber Essentials scheme is a world-leading, cost-effective assurance mechanism for companies of all sizes to help demonstrate to customers and other stakeholders that the most important cyber security controls have been implemented.


Benefits of Cyber Essentials

  • Protect yourself from approximately 80% of cyber attacks
    Implementing the five Cyber Essentials controls correctly will help you protect your organisation from the majority of cyber attacks.

  • Demonstrate security and help secure the supply chain
    Achieving Cyber Essentials certification will help you demonstrate your commitment to protecting both your own data and that of your customers and suppliers.

  • Increase chances of securing business
    Cyber Essentials certification will boost your reputation and give you a better chance of winning contracts.

  • Drive business efficiency
    Focus on your core business objectives knowing that you are protected from the vast majority of common cyber attacks.

  • Work with the UK government and MoD
    Cyber Essentials will give you the opportunity to work with the UK government and Cyber Essentials Plus will give you the opportunity to work with the Ministry of Defence.

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