Security Testing Free Resources


Collinson Group

Find out how IT Governance’s penetration testing services helped Collinson Group ensure its systems were secure and reliable.

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Assured Security – Getting cyber secure with penetration testing

Assured Security – Getting cyber secure with penetration testing

Download this paper to find out how to keep your organisation’s information and systems secure with effective penetration testing.

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Penetration Testing and ISO 27001 – Securing your ISMS

Penetration Testing and ISO 27001 – Securing your ISMS

Download this free green paper to discover how penetration testing fits into an ISO 27001 ISMS project.

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Free Download: Penetration Testing and the GDPR – Practical compliance

Penetration Testing and the GDPR – Practical compliance

Article 32 of the GDPR requires you to regularly test and evaluate the effectiveness of the technical and organisational measures employed to protect personal data. Read this paper to understand what penetration testing is, and how it can help your organisation.

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Free PDF download: Penetration Testing Brochure

High-quality, expert, accredited penetration testing solutions

Download our brochure to find out how our expert, accredited and high-quality penetration testing solutions can help your organisation.

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Application Attack Survey

Application Attack Survey

Organisations are increasingly reliant on web applications. Integrating new systems into your processes isn’t without risk. This survey examines how information security professionals across a wide range of industries protect their applications.

Download the survey now to find out how organisations secure their web applications.

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Security testing webinars on demand

Penetration Testing for Supply Chains and the Role of the MSP


  • James Pickard, Head of Security Testing at IT Governance
  • Leon Teale, Senior Penetration Tester at IT Governance

Hosted by :

  • Sophie Sayer, Sales Director and Head of Channel at IT Governance
  • Jason Douglas, Global Head of Channel Sales at IT Governance

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, prioritising supply chain security is essential to shield your organisation from potential threats and vulnerabilities. Going beyond a tick-box evaluation of suppliers, it is crucial to thoroughly assess their cyber security practices and dedication to upholding security standards.

By incorporating penetration testing and collaborating with MSPs (managed service providers), you can elevate the resilience of your supply chain’s security measures beyond the ordinary. Penetration testing provides a systematic approach to identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the supply chain, while MSPs contribute their expertise in continual monitoring and robust security protocols to enhance your overall supply chain protection.

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Is your network under attack?

Is your network under attack?

Download this infographic to learn about the risks posed to web applications that process sensitive information.

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Is your web app under attack?

Is your web app under attack?

Download this infographic to learn about the risks posed to web applications that process sensitive information.

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Is your Wi-Fi under attack?

Is your Wi-Fi under attack?

Download this infographic to learn about the common types of Wi-Fi attack and how penetration testing can help to validate weaknesses.

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Minimise the risk of phishing attacks by assessing and educating end users

Minimise the risk of phishing attacks by assessing and educating end users

Phishing is a type of social engineering attack in which cyber criminals trick victims into handing over sensitive information or installing malware. Download our free infographic for more information on phishing, types of phishing attacks and more.

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What is a penetration test and why would my company need one?

What is a penetration test and why would my company need one?

Download our free infographic to learn more about what a pentration test is, and why one may be important for your organisation.

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What is ransomware and how can I protect my business?

What is ransomware and how can I protect my business?

Ransomware is a type of malicious programme that demands payment after launching a cyber attack on a computer system. For a quick guide to ransomware and what you can do to protect your business, download our free infographic.

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