Speak to an expert and discover how IT Governance can help you achieve cyber resilience

For advice and guidance on cyber security for the technology and media sectors, or to find out more about the solutions we offer, get in touch with one our experts today

Technology, media and telecoms sector

Organisations in the technology, media and telecoms sectors typically have a detailed appreciation of developing risk and compliance requirements, and they certainly need to. It is imperative that organisations – of all shapes and sizes – maintain their awareness as legislation and technology advance. Begin your journey today by investigating our tailored solutions for the technology and media sectors.

The technology sector

Achieving robust and successful cyber resilience in the technology sector is a moving target. Technology will always advance much faster than legislation, so we must adopt an active and on-going awareness of both in order to keep doing lawful and ethical business online.

What is technology today?

Technology includes physical hardware, industrial appliances, robotics, consumer products, development tools, engineering, maintenance and repair apparatus.

IT is accelerating rapidly. Live software is offered ‘as a service’ (Software as a Service (SaaS)) to businesses and consumers alike. Industrial and operational tools are hosted online as part of the Internet of things (IoT). Cloud storage, data science, research systems, AI, machine-learning, critical information infrastructure services (CII) and intellectual property management are all growing industries generating active problems which require daily solutions.

With IT Governance, learn how to:

  • Manage your on-going GDPR compliance(EU General Data Protection Regulation) in the Technology sector;
  • Implement a comprehensive security awareness programme;
  • Evaluate the data you keep;
  • Govern your storage duration and access;
  • Implement an information security management system (ISMS) aligned with ISO 27001 and beyond;
  • Undertake routine penetration testing;
  • Implement a cyber incident response management programme;
  • Monitor the transference of data across all third parties;
  • Master and optimise your processes; and
  • Cultivate an educated awareness among your workforce with our tailored E-learning Courses.

The media sector

Media is another broad sector which reaches across multiple devices and industries. It is increasingly dependent on consumer demand. Content is disposable and attention spans are measured in seconds. Online disinhibition causes bold and honest information sharing, as users feel a growing sense of personal ownership over their digital trails. We must allow for and facilitate shifting control of the content we produce and how it’s measured.

What is media today?

Entertainment news and broadcast networks make the loudest noise online. Media owners in print and digital publishing, broadcasting, social media, film, music and gaming feel an increasing need to empower their users, as digital expectations grow ever more complex with each new ‘like’ and ‘share’.

Marketing and advertising strategies will also need to evolve alongside changeable obligations online. User-requested advertising is delivered across dynamic platforms. Content is hosted in live environments through multiple channels and served cross-device (including out-of-home) with live and variable permissions and settings for each individual user globally.

Cyber resilience will need to mature and evolve in-line with developing technology across all sectors, especially Media.

With IT Governance, learn how to:

  • Manage your on-going GDPR compliance (EU General Data Protection Regulation) in the media sector;
  • Maintain live, specific, detailed, labelled, balanced, verified and documented consent;
  • Increase user awareness and empower your visitors;
  • Implement an information security management system (ISMS) aligned with ISO 27001 and beyond;
  • Optimise your people, processes and products;
  • Undertake routine penetration testing;
  • Offer transparent and secure access to your content;
  • Manage global marketing campaigns with nuanced, international compliance requirements;
  • Establish a company-wide awareness among your core teams; and
  • Adjust the culture of your day-to-day to match the extensive demands of new media and accountability with our tailored E-learning Courses.

The telecoms sector

Complex messaging and communication occur daily in both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) markets. As providers and consumers, our general awareness of variable permissions and settings must develop in line with our own behaviour.

What is telecoms today?

Telecoms includes email, texting, social media messaging, instant chat, comment threads, service providers, telephone and mobile networks, corporate and academic wide-area network providers, metropolitan area network providers, commercial networks and connected channels.

With IT Governance, learn how to:

  • Manage your on-going GDPR compliance (EU General Data Protection Regulation) in the telecoms sector;
  • Implement transparent, uniform and reactive processes quickly;
  • Give customers access to manage their consent;
  • Manage variable legislation between connected users globally and the content of their discussions;
  • Implement an information security management system (ISMS) aligned with ISO 27001 and beyond;
  • Undertake routine penetration testing;
  • Navigate the transference of consumer data through third parties (e.g. address book crossover between products);
  • Plan for subtle, refined and fluctuating compliance in global messaging and information sharing in general; and
  • Adjust the culture of your day-to-day to match the extensive demands of communication and accountability with our tailored E-learning Courses.

Are you aware of other impending laws which may affect the Telecoms sector in 2018/19? Click to find out more about The EU ePrivacy Regulation (ePR).

NIS Directive/Regulations requirements:

Are you a DSP? (Digital Service Provider). Not to be confused with the 'demand side platforms' used in programmatic advertising. Organisations must determine for themselves whether they are a DSP (as defined as part of the NIS Regulations) and are therefore, subject to The NIS Regulation’s security and notification requirements.

The NIS Regulations list the following categories of DSP:

  • Search engines;
  • Cloud computing services; and
  • Online marketplaces.

Find out more about The Regulations on Security of Network and Information Systems (NIS Directive/Regulations)

IT Governance solutions

We offer a comprehensive suite of tailored products, solutions, information and resources. We’re here to help you maintain your on-going compliance, as technology and legislation advance.

Browse our free resources to help kick-start your project

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