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Free PDF download: Aberdein Considine case study

Aberdein Considine among first UK law firms to gain ISO 27001:2013 certification

Find out how leading Scottish law firm Aberdein Considine achieved UKAS-accredited certification to ISO 27001:2013 with the help of consultancy from IT Governance.

The law firm was among the first in the profession to achieve the certification, demonstrating its commitment to high standards of information security across all of its practice areas and 18 locations.


  • The importance of robust information security in the legal industry.
  • How ISO 27001 certification was achieved across 18 office locations and nearly 400 staff on time and within budget.
  • How Aberdein Considine used its corporate intranet to control, log and measure the ISMS’s performance.
Cyber Essentials – A guide to the scheme
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