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Interactive Checklist

In today’s hostile online environment, it’s almost impossible to repel every cyber threat.

Rather than just focusing your security efforts on keeping attackers out of your networks and systems, it is critical to implement a wider cyber security strategy that can also reduce the impact of a successful cyber attack.

If a cyber attack or data breach hit you tomorrow, would you be prepared?

A defence-in-depth approach to cyber security ensures you can mitigate the risk of complex cyber attacks and data breaches: when one defensive layer is breached, the others work to contain the damage so you can return to normal operations as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Cyber defence in depth covers five important elements: detection, protection, management, response and recovery.

Learn more about IT Governance’s cyber-defence-in-depth framework

10 actions to tick off your cyber security checklist

If you are implementing cyber defence in depth in your organisation, or simply want to improve your existing cyber risk management programme, tick off the items below to get more information about the security controls your organisation should be using – and exclusive discounts of up to 20% off the listed products and services.

I’ve deployed vulnerability scanning

I’ve deployed quarterly phishing awareness training

My IT team has had cyber security training within the past 12 months

I have the necessary policies and procedures for GDPR compliance

I am Cyber Essentials/Cyber Essentials Plus certified 

I have conducted a penetration test within the past six months

I am prepared for the 2022 version of ISO 27001

I have an incident response plan

I have a business continuity plan

I have cyber insurance


Cyber Health Check

Cyber Health Check

Our Cyber Health Check will help you identify your weakest security areas and recommend appropriate measures to mitigate your risks.

It is an independent, high-level, four-phase analysis of your cyber security posture that combines on-site consultancy and audit, technical cyber security control assessments, remote vulnerability assessments and an online staff survey.

We will identify your cyber risks, assess the effectiveness of your responses to those risks and then create a prioritised action plan for managing those risks in line with your business objectives.

Find out more

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