Flash briefing: CrowdStrike – What went wrong and how to avoid being Strike 2

Transform disruption into resilience: Lessons from the CrowdStrike outage

The recent CrowdStrike incident has demonstrated that no organisation, regardless of size or industry, is immune to unexpected IT disruptions.

Such incidents not only halt services, but also reveal critical weaknesses in business continuity and operational resilience strategies. 8.5 million devices were directly impacted by the CrowdStrike crash, and countless others remain at risk from various potential disruptors.

Even more alarming is the wave of cyber attacks exploiting this situation, with criminal hackers distributing fake recovery resources to spread malware. This underscores the urgent need for organisations to be vigilant and prepared for such deceptive tactics.

Download our flash briefing to gain essential insights and tools to protect your organisation from similar disruptions and stay ahead of your competitors.


  • Analysis of the CrowdStrike outage: what went wrong and lessons learned.
  • Immediate steps and incident response strategies to mitigate similar risks, including avoiding fake recovery resources.
  • Implementing industry-leading frameworks and laws, such as DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act), ISO 27001 and ISO 22301 to build robust cyber resilience.
  • Best practices for cyber security (including how to protect against phishing), disaster recovery and business continuity.
  • Teaser of our product designed to prevent cyber incidents and strengthen business continuity.

Delivered by

Alan Calder

Alan Calder
Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance

Alan is an acknowledged international cyber security expert and a leading author on information security and IT governance issues.

He founded IT Governance in 2002 and has written more than 20 books on cyber security. Alan’s work draws on his experience leading the world’s first successful implementation of BS 7799 – now ISO 27001 – and is also the basis for the Open University’s courses on information security.

Alan has been involved in the development of a wide range of information security management training courses that have been accredited by IBITGQ (International Board for IT Governance Qualifications).

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