The GDPR journey – are you on track?

GDPR compliance for professional services

Has the road to GDPR compliance taken longer than you thought?

Sometimes taking a pit stop to check the map and get your bearings isn’t a bad idea.

The GDPR and professional services firms

Despite the passing of the GDPR deadline, many professional services firms are not yet compliant with the GDPR, leaving them exposed to expensive penalties.

Professional services firms are not alone in this regard, as was revealed in a GDPR research report by TrustArc which stated that, one month after the GDPR deadline, only 21% of UK organisations believed that they were GDPR-compliant. The report also revealed that 74% of the organsations surveyed expected to be compliant by the end of 2018, with 93% aiming for compliance by the end of 2019.

EU GDPR Compliance Guide

In this green paper we give an overview of the key areas of change introduced by the Regulation, and the critical areas that your firm needs to be aware of when preparing for compliance.

Download now and get your firm on track with GDPR compliance.

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