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GDPR / Data Privacy Roles Learning Path

Our Learning Paths provide you with a guide to help you decide which training courses and qualifications will help you further your knowledge and career. The training courses are arranged by subject and within each subject group from foundation to advanced level.

The GDPR / Data Privacy Learning Path features the primary roles of GDPR/Privacy Manager and Data Protection Officer, which are marked as thick black lines in the middle of the diagram. The subject groups are GDPR / Data Privacy, Information Security and Cyber Security.

Click the tabs below to see our training courses and their position in different learning paths.



A management career in data privacy requires comprehensive knowledge of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the DPA (Data Protection Act) 2018. A data privacy manager also needs an understanding of information security and cyber security measures to protect personal data.

The learning paths to developing your role as a GDPR/Privacy Manager or Data Protection Officer are marked as black lines on the GDPR / Data Privacy Learning Path diagram below.

gdpr privacy

GDPR Foundation

Ways to learn Classroom/Live Online | Self-paced online | In-house

The Certified GDPR Foundation Training Course provides a complete introduction to the GDPR and its implications and legal requirements for your organisation. It also awards the internationally recognised EU GDPR F qualification.

This course is the first step to building the knowledge required to study on the GDPR Practitioner and Data Protection Officer training courses.

The learning paths to developing your role as a GDPR/Privacy Manager or Data Protection Officer are marked as black lines on the GDPR / Data Privacy Learning Path diagram below.

gdpr foundation

GDPR Practitioner

Ways to learn Classroom/Live Online | Self-paced online | In-house

The Certified GDPR Practitioner Training Course delivers the skills required to implement and maintain an effective compliance programme under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). It also awards the internationally recognised EU GDPR P qualification.

This course is an essential step to building the knowledge required to study on the Data Protection Officer or Data Protection Officer Accelerated training courses.

The learning paths to developing your role as a GDPR/Privacy Manager or Data Protection Officer are marked as black lines on the GDPR / Data Privacy Learning Path diagram below.

gdpr practitioner

Data Protection Officer

Ways to learn Classroom/Live Online | In-house

The Certified Data Protection Officer Training Course provides the knowledge and skills required to fulfil the DPO role under the GDPR. It also awards the internationally recognised C-DPO qualification.

You must have passed the GDPR Foundation exam before attending this course.

The learning path to developing your role as a DPO is marked as a black line on the GDPR / Data Privacy Learning Path diagram below.

data protection officer

Data Protection Officer Accelerated

Ways to learn Classroom/Live Online | In-house

The Certified Data Protection Officer Accelerated Training Course provides the knowledge and skills required to fulfil the DPO role under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). It also awards the internationally recognised C-DPO qualification.

You must have passed the GDPR Foundation and GDPR Practitioner exams before attending this course.

The learning path to developing your role as a Data Protection Officer is marked as a black line on the GDPR / Data Privacy Learning Path diagram below.

data protection officer accelerated

UK GDPR and DPA 2018 after Brexit

Ways to learn Classroom/Live Online | Self-paced online | In-house

The UK GDPR and DPA 2018 after Brexit Training Course gives an overview of the key changes and their implications for the GDPR and the DPA 2018 following the UK’s departure from the European Union.

This course provides the essential enhanced knowledge required to develop a career as a GDPR Practitioner or DPO.

The learning paths to developing your role as a GDPR/Privacy Manager or Data Protection Officer are marked as black lines on the GDPR / Data Privacy Learning Path diagram below.

uk gdpr dpa 2018 after brexit

Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) Training Workshop

Ways to learn Classroom/Live Online | In-house

The Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) Training Workshop delivers the skills required to perform a DPIA (data protection impact assessment) as outlined by the GDPR.

This course provides the essential enhanced knowledge required to develop a career as a GDPR Practitioner or DPO.

The learning paths to developing your role as a GDPR/Privacy Manager or Data Protection Officer are marked as black lines on the GDPR / Data Privacy Learning Path diagram below.

dpia workshop

Data Protection Act 2018 Part 3 – Law Enforcement Processing

Ways to learn Classroom/Live Online | In-house

The Data Protection Act 2018 Part 3 – Law Enforcement Processing Training Course delivers the skills required for the processing of personal data by a competent authority for UK law enforcement purposes.

Building on the GDPR Foundation and GDPR Practitioner training courses, this course provides the knowledge required to develop a career as a data privacy specialist in a UK law enforcement agency.

The learning path to developing your privacy role in Law Enforcement is marked as a grey line on the GDPR / Data Privacy Learning Path diagram below.

dpa 2018 part 3 law enforcement

Privacy Essentials for Marketers

Ways to learn Classroom/Live Online | In-house

The Privacy Essentials for Marketers Training Course gives an overview of data protection laws and their application to marketing activities that include market research, websites, email and social media. It also awards the internationally recognised C PEM qualification.

Building on the GDPR Foundation training course, this course provides the essential data privacy knowledge required by all UK marketing professionals.

The learning path to developing your privacy role in marketing management is marked as a grey line on the GDPR / Data Privacy Learning Path diagram below.

privacy essentials for marketers

Privacy by Design Foundation

Ways to learn Classroom/Live Online | In-house

The Privacy by Design Foundation Training Course provides a complete introduction to the concept of privacy by design and its application to the development of new products and services. It also awards the internationally recognised C PD F qualification.

This course is the first step to building the knowledge required to study on the Privacy by Design Practitioner Training Course.

The learning path to developing your privacy role in product development management is marked as a grey line on the GDPR / Data Privacy Learning Path diagram below.

privacy by design foundation

Privacy by Design Practitioner

Ways to learn Classroom/Live Online | In-house

The Privacy by Design Practitioner Training Course delivers the skills required to design and build products and services that fully comply with legal and regulatory obligations for privacy. It also awards the internationally recognised C PD P qualification.

Building on the Privacy by Design Foundation Training Course, this course provides the knowledge required to develop a career as a data privacy specialist in software and product development.

The learning path to developing your privacy role in product development management is marked as a grey line on the GDPR / Data Privacy Learning Path diagram below.

privacy by design practitioner

ISO 27001 Foundation

Ways to learn Classroom/Live Online | Self-paced online | In-house

The Certified ISO 27001 Foundation Training Course provides a complete introduction to the key elements of the ISO 27001 standard. It also awards the internationally recognised CIS F qualification.

This course provides essential enhanced knowledge required to develop a career as a GDPR Practitioner and DPO.

The learning paths to developing your role as a GDPR/Privacy Manager or Data Protection Officer (DPO) are marked as black lines on the GDPR / Data Privacy Learning Path diagram below.

iso 27001 foundation

ISO 27001 Lead Auditor

Ways to learn Classroom/Live Online | In-house

The Certified ISO 27001 Lead Auditor Training Course delivers the skills required to manage and conduct an ISO 27001 ISMS (information security management system) audit. It also awards the internationally recognised CIS LA qualification.

This course is an essential step to building the knowledge required to study on the ISO 27701 PIMS Lead Auditor training course.

The learning path to developing your role as a Privacy/PIMS Auditor is marked as a grey line on the GDPR / Data Privacy Learning Path diagram below.

iso 27001 lead auditor

ISO 27701 PIMS Lead Auditor

Ways to learn Classroom/Live Online | In-house

The Certified ISO 27701 PIMS Lead Auditor Training Course delivers the skills to extend an ISO 27001-compliant audit programme and conduct PIMS (privacy information management system) audits against ISO/IEC 27701. It also awards the internationally recognised CPI LA qualification.

Building on the ISO 27001 Lead Auditor Training Course, this course provides the knowledge required to develop a career as an ISO 27701 PIMS lead auditor.

The learning path to developing your role as a Privacy/PIMS Auditor is marked as a grey line on the GDPR / Data Privacy Learning Path diagram below.

iso 27701 pims lead auditor

Cyber Security Foundation

Ways to learn Classroom/Live Online | Self-paced online | In-house

The Certified Cyber Security Foundation Training Course provides a complete introduction to cyber security, the threat landscape, threat intelligence, legal and regulatory obligations, and cyber incident response. It also awards the internationally recognised C CS F qualification.

This course provides essential enhanced knowledge required to develop a career as a GDPR Practitioner and DPO.

The learning paths to developing your role as a GDPR/Privacy Manager or Data Protection Officer (DPO) are marked as black lines on the GDPR / Data Privacy Learning Path diagram below.

cyber security foundation
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