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Webinar: FastTrack ISO 27001 Foundations – Scoping

In the rapidly evolving information security landscape, understanding the scope of your ISMS (information security management system) is the critical first step in achieving ISO 27001:2022 compliance. With cyber threats escalating in both sophistication and frequency, securing your organisation’s information assets has never been more crucial.

Our FastTrack ISO 27001 Foundations – Scoping webinar is designed to demystify the process of scoping for ISO 27001 projects, offering a clear path to compliance with the ISO 27001:2022 requirements. This session is your starting point for how to FastTrack™ your compliance journey, focusing on the essential elements of scoping and mapping your project timeline.

Webinar Agenda

  • Defining the scope of your ISMS with FastTrack methodologies;
  • Securing senior management support and understanding of the project’s scope;
  • How CyberComply can help your organisation achieve ISO 27001 certification; and
  • Mapping an accelerated project timeline for compliance readiness.

Delivered by

Alan Calder

Alan Calder
Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance

Alan Calder is an acknowledged international cyber security expert and a leading author on information security and IT governance issues.

Alan founded IT Governance in 2002 and he has written more than 20 books on cyber security. His work draws on his experience leading the world’s first successful implementation of BS 7799 – now ISO 27001 – and is also the basis for the UK Open University’s postgraduate course on information security.

Alan has been involved in the development of a wide range of information security management training courses that have been accredited by IBITGQ (International Board for IT Governance Qualifications).

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