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Navigating the 2024 Privacy Landscape with ISO 27001 and CyberComply

Future-proof your data protection strategy with ISO 27001 and CyberComply

As global data privacy laws tighten, compliance professionals face a complex maze of regulations that can be overwhelming. Join Alan Calder, founder and executive chairman of IT Governance, in this exclusive webinar to uncover how ISO 27001’s emphasis on confidentiality, integrity and availability (C, I and A) provides a robust framework to navigate these challenges.

Find out how CyberComply integrates these principles to streamline compliance with the GDPR and global privacy laws, turning regulatory challenges into opportunities for operational resilience and a strategic advantage.

Webinar Agenda

This webinar covers:

  • An overview of the 2024 data privacy landscape and the role of ISO 27001.
  • Key changes in EU–US data privacy frameworks and the implications for organisations.
  • Strategies for leveraging ISO 27001 to enhance data protection and compliance with GDPR requirements.
  • The importance of adopting an integrated approach to privacy and data protection compliance.
  • Streamlining compliance with the GDPR and global privacy laws using CyberComply’s specialised ISO 27001 capabilities.

Delivered by

Alan Calder

Alan Calder
Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance

Alan Calder is an acknowledged international cyber security expert and a leading author on information security and IT governance issues.

Alan founded IT Governance in 2002 and he has written more than 20 books on cyber security. His work draws on his experience leading the world’s first successful implementation of BS 7799 – now ISO 27001 – and is also the basis for the UK Open University’s postgraduate course on information security.

Alan has been involved in the development of a wide range of information security management training courses that have been accredited by IBITGQ (International Board for IT Governance Qualifications).

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