It’s beginning to look a lot like phishing season...

Your two biggest security issues are your staff and your systems.
Keeping your organisation safe over the holidays involves testing both.

The holiday season is traditionally a time for indulgence, whether that’s buying something extravagant in the Black Friday sales, eating too much over Christmas or popping open a bottle of champagne at New Year.

Although there’s nothing wrong with relaxing and treating yourself, it’s essential that you and your workforce remain vigilant during the festive period. Most malware is spread via phishing attacks, and organisations are most likely to fall victim in the run-up to Christmas when they are understaffed and employees are distracted.

Make sure you’re protected with effective staff training and penetration testing.

Educate your employees on the phishing threat

Phishing Staff Awareness Course

Phishing Staff Awareness Training Programme

With 90% of malware delivered by phishing attacks, phishing training for staff is vital to your organisation’s cyber health.

Our Phishing Staff Awareness Training Programme explains how phishing attacks work to your employees, the tactics cyber criminals employ, and what to do when you’re targeted.

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Get in touch

IT Governance is a CREST-accredited provider of security penetration testing services. Our range of penetration testing services enables organisations of all sizes to effectively manage cyber security risk by identifying vulnerabilities in infrastructure, applications, wireless networks and people.

Our established and experienced UK penetration testing team has been operational since 2010, amassing extensive testing experience that ensures clients receive a comprehensive service.


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