Free PDF download: NIS Regulations 2018 – A compliance guide

Our whole society relies on critical infrastructure that is supported by a set of services. These services and infrastructure can be attacked not just physically but also digitally, and digital attacks can have significant repercussions in the physical world. Part of the EU's legislated response was to introduce the NIS Directive, which the UK has enacted into law through the NIS (Network and Information Systems) Regulations 2018.

Download this paper to:

  • Discover which organisations are within scope of the NIS Regulations;
  • Understand the key requirements of the Regulations; and
  • Receive guidance on how to comply with them.

Published: September 2020
Keywords: NIS Regulations, NIS Directive, cyber security, critical infrastructure

Network and Information Systems (NIS) Regulations 2018 – Compliance guidance for operators of essential services
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