This Internal Infrastructure Penetration Test contains a mix of advanced manual testing techniques and automated scans to simulate real-world attacks that identify risks within your internal systems.
It will assess:
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At the end of the test, you will receive a comprehensive report broken down into:
High-level, non-technical summary of your business’s risks.
Detailed description of the methodologies followed and the scope of testing.
Overview, consultant’s commentary and detailed descriptions of each technical vulnerability identified and remediation advice.
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This test follows IT Governance’s proprietary security testing methodology, which is closely aligned with the SANS and OSSTMM (Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual) methodologies.
This service is suitable for organisations with an internal corporate network that would like to test their security measures should an attacker gain access. The service may be especially useful to organisations with a high staff turnover.
Identify and understand the technology-related vulnerabilities affecting your internal infrastructure and the business impacts these present.
From the detailed report, you will be able to implement secure measures, thereby reducing the likelihood of a security breach while protecting your brand.
Demonstrate a strong security posture to clients by providing third-party assurances that your internal infrastructure is secure.
Supports compliance with ISO 27001, the UK DPA (Data Protection Act) 2018 and the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), and other laws, regulations and contractual obligations.
Our expert consultant will provide you with updates throughout the project from both technical and non-technical perspectives.
Our established UK penetration testing team has amassed extensive testing experience that ensures clients receive a comprehensive service.