If you're thinking about IT governance, you need to read this book. IT governance is a board-led management
framework - not a software 'solution' or any single proprietary framework - for making IT an integrated, value-
adding part of the business.
This book is essential if you're serious about making you IT governance practices add value.
It reviews the strengths and weaknesses of the leading frameworks - including COSO, CoBIT, ITIL, ISO15000, ISO17799, AS8015 and GAISP - in the context of competitiveness, corporate governance demands and regulatory requirements.
Aimed squarely at IT governance practitioners (including board members, owners, directors, partners, senior executives, IT managers, governance practioners, professional advisers, project managers, process owners, and intelligent people in public and private sector organisations everywhere) - IT Governance Today is a comprehensive snapshot of IT governance in the corporate world today.
IT governance is a board-led management framework - not a software 'solution' or a single, proprietary framework - for making IT an integrated, value-adding part of the business.
IT Governance Today: A Practitione'rs Handbook proposes an integrated IT governance model that pulls together the key components of these frameworks into a single integrated model that overcomes the limitations of each, and creates a comprehensive tool that is truly capable of generating long-term business value.
The book contains a substantial chapter on the role of the Chief Information Office (CIO), and an optimum management structure (including Chief Knowledge Office (CKO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), etc.) for the IT department that brings together all the key roles and responsibilities.
Alan Calder is the founder director of IT Governance Ltd. His long executive career has spanned both the private and public sectors. He writes, speaks and consults widely on IT governance, compliance and information security.