IT Governance Ltd is now a GRC Solutions company. Find out more

Our credentials

Consultancy services

IT Governance is independent of vendors and certification bodies, and encourages clients to select the best fit for their needs and objectives. We are widely recognised among UKAS-accredited certification bodies as a leading consultancy and are listed on the following:

Associate Consultant Programme logo

LRQA Consultants Network logo


LRQA Consultants Network logo


DNV logo

CIISec logo



We are accredited by the following bodies to deliver specialist services.

Accreditations logos

Training services

We are an approved training provider for a number of high-profile courses that award internationally recognised qualifications.

Training services logos
Training services logos

Distribution services

We are an approved supplier of a number of quality third-party products.

Distribution services logos
Distribution services logos

Our certifications

We have been awarded ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certification, and are working on implementing other standards, including ISO 14001, ISO 20000 and ISO 22301.

CE Certified Plus logo

BS 10012 logo

ISO 9001 logo

ISO 27001 logo

ISO 27701 logo

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