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ISO 22301 & Business Continuity Gap Analysis

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ISO 22301 gap analysis service

Receive an expert assessment of how effective your BCPs (business continuity plans) and procedures are against the international standard ISO 22301, which outlines the specification for a best-practice BCMS (business continuity management system).

Conducted by our team of BCM (business continuity management) experts, this service will assess your current BCM arrangements to ensure your organisation is fully prepared to handle a disruptive incident. It will also help you develop a convincing business case for implementing a BCMS, and equip you with the skills required for implementation.

What is a gap analysis?

A gap analysis will assess your current BCM arrangements and review your existing BCM policies and procedures for relevancy, effectiveness and efficiency to determine any potential areas for improvement against the requirements of ISO 22301.

Watch our video to discover how a gap analysis will help your organisation.

Why do you need a business continuity gap analysis?

The business continuity gap analysis delivers:

  • A detailed assessment of your current business continuity plans;
  • A clear outline of the proposed scope for your BCMS project;
  • Realistic project expectations based on the specific requirements of your organisation; and
  • Detailed and customised information necessary to develop a strong business case for implementation.

What should you expect from the business continuity gap analysis?

You will be assigned an expert consultant who will work with you on:

  • Conducting interviews with key managers and other individuals;
  • Assessing existing BCM policies and procedures for relevancy, effectiveness and efficiency;
  • Pinpointing potential areas for improvement to ensure your organisation has comprehensive business continuity plans; and
  • Collating the findings into a gap analysis report and detailing areas for improvements and recommendations for your next steps.

Download the full ISO 22301 gap analysis service description

What will the business continuity gap analysis report include?

  • An analysis of the overall state and maturity of your business continuity arrangements.
  • Details of the gaps between your current business continuity arrangements and the requirements of ISO 22301.
  • Options for the scope of an effective BCMS, and how these options help to meet your business and strategic objectives.
  • An action plan that outlines and indicates the level of effort and resources required to implement and maintain an effective BCMS.

View a sample gap analysis report

ISO 22301 Gap Analysis service

ISO 22301 gap analysis service

Get the true picture of your business continuity management programme and how you measure up against the requirements of ISO 22301 with our ISO 22301 gap analysis service. 

Receive expert advice on scoping your BCMS project and establish resource requirements for implementing a BCMS.

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An IT Governance gap analysis will

Develop a business case

Help you develop a business case for implementing a business continuity management system (BCMS) and correctly scope your BCMS project.

Provide expert opinion

Provide expert analysis and detailed insights into your implementation project that you wouldn’t get with a more simplified questionnaire-based gap analysis.

Secure resources

Help you to secure the necessary management commitment and resources right from the start.


Why choose IT Governance?

  • We possess practical business acumen, meaning we can translate complex concepts into meaningful objectives that will deliver real business improvements.  
  • We know what certification bodies expect. We’ve helped hundreds of clients achieve certification to a range of management standards including ISO 22301.
  • All our consultancy projects come with a 100% certification guarantee, meaning that our initial advice provides you with a clear roadmap of what needs to be done, how it needs to be done and why it needs to be done. 
  • Our advice is always pragmatic and we work according to your budget, timeframe and organisational needs.
  • We provide guidance on the roles and responsibilities for implementing a BCMS and outline a clear plan on how to assign resources appropriately.
  • We offer a wide range of BCM products and services, including books, training courses and documentation toolkits to support your implementation journey.
  • We take an integrated approach to compliance because of our recognised expertise in other internationally adopted standards such as ISO 27001 and ISO 9001. 
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