Green IT take-up 'increasing'


Published at IHOTDESK at

26 August 2008

The demand for Green IT is increasing dramatically in the UK, it has been claimed.

According to UK compliance specialist IT Governance, Green IT initiatives can promote better operating efficiencies and help organisations reduce operational cost and enviornmental legislation, consumer pressure and the credit crunch are all contributing to an imminent explosion in the demand for such products and services.

Chief Executive of the organisation Alan calder said many global companies now view green initiatives as necessary to staying competitive.

"Now businesses realise that they can make long-term savings and increase operational efficiencies through implementing greener ways of working, especially around technology," he added.

Mr Calder went on to say the need for Green IT Solutions is especially prevalent in difficult economic circumstances.

Last week, internet solutions provider Gradwell claimed making use of voice over internet protocol could help businesses save money in the long term as well as providing them with faster and more reliable communications systems.

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