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IT Governance promotes online security in National Identity Fraud Prevention Week


This article was published in the InfoSecurity Magazine on 14th October 2009

IT Governance promotes online security in National Identity Fraud Prevention week

This week is National Identity Fraud Prevention Week, and IT Governance ‐ which bills itself as the one‐stop shop for compliance ‐ has launched an online resource for small businesses and individuals, wanting to strengthen their IT security.

Alan Calder, IT Governance's chief executive, said that its new web page ‐ Keep Safe Online ‐ gives all comers access to a range of free online resources, as well as a free 10‐step guide to online security.

The guide, IT Governance said, will dramatically reduce the likelihood of a business, or home network, falling victim to hackers, phishing attacks and viruses.

Calder said that the National Identity Fraud Prevention Week scheme is a great initiative which his company is pleased to support.

"Breaches of domestic online security can be far more distressing for individuals than corporate attacks. We want to make sure that good IT security is part of everybody's lives all the time at home and in the office", he said.

"There is a direct correlation between the level of security that people have at home and the level of security that they have at work", he added. According to Calder, when organisations implement IT security awareness
programmes, their staff often take the information on board and improve their information security at home too.

IT Governance, he explained, wants to make that process as easy as possible. "Domestic online security can often be forgotten in the rush toward other priorities.

Nonetheless, it doesn't take a lot of time or money to be secure, as long as a few basic rules are implemented and maintained", he said.

Source link: http://www.infosecurity‐‐governancepromotes‐

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