New security awareness posters aid the battle for emoloyees' hearts and minds


Published in Computer User at

12 June 2008

Any organisation striving to implement effective information security, or to be certified to the ISO27001 best practice standard, can only achieve success with the active involvement of its staff.  To help raise employees’ awareness of data security and drive the essential changes in their behaviour, IT Governance   has introduced a set of high-impact Information Security Awareness Posters   that deliver essential and informative messages throughout the workplace.

The Information Security Poster pack is the latest addition to IT Governance’s one-stop shop for Governance, Risk Management and Compliance, offering everything that organisations need to make effective data security part of their culture.

ISO27001 , the international best practice standard for information security management systems, is very clear on the need for effective information security awareness training for employees, contractors and other visitors to company sites. Building awareness requires a sustained, long-term campaign to make people aware of the security issues which affect them, and to understand how their individual actions contribute to improved overall security.

These posters make a significant contribution to the task. Every pack contains six colourful, glossy A1 posters, each of which focuses with wry humour and a telling eye on one of the six key areas where staff awareness can significantly improve information security:  an awareness of what a  Social Engineering attack looks like; why weak Password Practices expose the whole company; how to identify and respond to Security Incidents; understanding appropriate ways to protect Sensitive Information, whether written or spoken;  and how to spot ‘shoulder surfers’ and be generally Security Aware.

The posters are specifically designed to catch the attention of colleagues and stimulate thought about how small changes by each person contribute to the overall security of the organisation.  They are an ideal resource for placing throughout the workplace – in reception areas, back offices, server rooms, or, indeed, anywhere that staff should be reminded about information security.

The Information Security Awareness Poster pack is priced at £36.00/$79.28/€46.80 and can be ordered for immediate despatch from

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