Pocket Guide for Information Security


Published in TMCnet.com at http://www.tmcnet.com/comsol/articles/34077-pocket-guide-information-security.htm

15 July 2008

Information Technology (IT) Governance has recently released a pocket guide, detailing the finer points of internet and information security. Most small businesses find themselves spending a great deal on this aspect, without actually attaining the security levels they are looking for, or alternatively they cannot afford it. The scenario in today’s marketplace suggests that these small businesses are as prone to breaches as larger companies.

Breaches can come in any form whether through fraud or loss. These businesses can also become targets for phishing scams or hack attempts. As each breach may cost a company anywhere from 10 to 20 thousand pounds, security must really not be taken lightly.
The pocket guide helps businesses secure themselves from these kinds of breaches. IT Governance has aimed to present clear advice on the subject of information security. The pocket guide, “Ten Rules of Information Security for the Smaller Business”, doesn’t involve complicated jargon, and uses everyday language to communicate. The precautions detailed in the book cover mostly common sense approaches to security.
“Small businesses must make it their number one priority to take practical steps to protect against the increased risk of cyber attack,” said Alan Calder, chief executive, IT Governance. “The risk has grown exponentially, and while previously a growing organisation could take a much more laissez-faire approach, the rise in Internet-related threats and other computer-related risks means that, even in the smallest of operations, protective steps need to be taken in order to guard against an unwelcome visit from one of these attackers. This guide is an ideal starting point to understand your organization’s particular needs.”
Gone are the days where only large organizations were targeted by unethical individuals. Small businesses are now equally at risk, and must take measures accordingly. Even small home businesses are not exempt from the unfriendly, unsafe electronic environment that prevails in today’s marketplace.
The pocket guide, available on the company’s Web site, offers an easy approach to security. From passwords, firewalls and anti-spam barriers to more sophisticated technology, the guide covers all ways on how to protect a network.
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