IT Governance launches GDPR Audit Service to help organisations validate their compliance


IT Governance, the leading provider of cyber risk and privacy management solutions, has released its new GDPR Audit Service to help organisations ensure their GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance project is on track. The service is an expert-led internal audit designed to identify any remaining vulnerabilities, as well as good practices within an organisation’s GDPR measures.
Conducting audits is crucial to demonstrating compliance with the GDPR, as the Regulation requires a commitment to securely processing data, which involves consistently identifying and managing emerging privacy and security risks. However, the process can be daunting for organisations to take on independently – a thorough audit of all processes, documentation, roles and responsibilities, to name a few, takes time and demands expertise that is not easily sourced.
Alan Calder, founder and executive chairman of IT Governance, said: GDPR compliance is not a one-off exercise. The Regulation demands accountability, responsibility and thoroughly monitored policies and procedures, as well as taking a risk-based approach. If you are not able to demonstrate that you have taken appropriate measures to protect the data you process, the consequences could be catastrophic.

“Our GDPR Audit Service can pinpoint what your organisation is getting right and where it can improve when it comes to compliance and data protection.

IT Governance’s GDPR Audit Service provides an on-site compliance audit focusing on data protection governance, risk management, project resourcing, the DPO (data protection officer), roles and responsibilities, policies and procedures, scope of compliance, personal information management, information security management and rights of data subjects.
Our privacy specialists will audit the adequacy and effectiveness of your privacy management and information security practices, identify areas of non-compliance and provide recommendations for improvement with a detailed report and executive summary.
The service is currently available to organisations with up to 500 employees, based at a single site, but larger organisations can request a customised quote.
IT Governance provides all-encompassing cyber risk and privacy management solutions tailored to the needs and demands of each organisation.
For more information about the GDPR Audit Service, or guidance on compliance and privacy solutions, speak to an IT Governance expert. Alternatively, please visit, email or call +44 (0)333 800 7000.
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