IT Governance releases 2019 Cyber Resilience Report to help organisations prepare for, respond to and recover from cyber attacks


IT Governance, the leading provider of cyber risk and privacy management solutions, has released its first Cyber Resilience Report to help organisations prepare for, respond to and recover from cyber attacks, and meet their legal and regulatory requirements.

At the end of 2018, IT Governance launched its Cyber Resilience Framework alongside a cyber resilience self-assessment and encouraged organisations to take the test to determine the maturity of their cyber security – and therefore their cyber resilience posture.

Alan Calder, the founder and executive chairman of IT Governance, said: “Attackers use cheap, freely available tools that are developed as soon as a new vulnerability is identified, producing ever more complex threats, so it is evident that, in the current landscape, total cyber security is unachievable. An effective cyber resilience strategy is therefore the answer to help organisations prevent, prepare for and respond to cyber attacks, and ensure they are not only managing their risks but also minimising the business impact.”

The 2019 Cyber Resilience Report analyses the results of the self-assessment, which examined key controls from best-practice standards, legal and regulatory requirements, and the four sections of our Framework to assess each respondent’s level of maturity.

The report provides insight into how organisations are addressing their cyber security risks, the risks most commonly overlooked, and the opportunities for improving their cyber resilience strategy. The results are based on the responses from 100 governance, risk and compliance executives from around the world.

The report highlights that 73% of respondents say their organisation has malware protection processes in place. However, since malware protection is one of the most basic cyber security controls, the fact that more than a quarter (27%) of them do not is worrying. In addition, nearly half (48%) of the respondents reported having no business continuity processes in place, suggesting that if their organisation faced any sort of disruptive incident, they would struggle to respond effectively.

To download IT Governance’s 2019 Cyber Resilience Report, please click here. For more information about IT Governance’s range of cyber security services, visit the website, email or call +44 (0)333 800 7000.

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