Organisations should update policies and procedures to ensure GDPR compliance, says IT Governance


IT Governance, the leading provider of compliance documentation toolkits, is encouraging organisations to update and review current policies and procedures to ensure EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance before the Regulation comes into force in May 2018.

Alan Calder, the founder and chief executive officer of IT Governance, said: “The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets extensive requirements, and organisations will need to invest time and resources into complying with these requirements in order to avoid fines. To achieve compliance before the Regulation comes into force, we encourage organisations to start now by reviewing and updating their current policies and procedures.”

The EU GDPR has a number of practical implications, shifting the way organisations, consumers and data protection agencies (DPAs) approach data protection. The Regulation emphasises accountability, which will necessitate a full review of policies and procedures.

“Organisations need to take action now, and make significant changes to policies and processes – as well as technical and organisational compliance measures – in order to comply with the GDPR,” Alan Calder continued.

To support compliance with the GDPR, IT Governance’s EU GDPR Documentation Toolkit offers a full set of policies and procedures and fully customisable templates. The templates have been designed to notably reduce the burden of developing the documents necessary for compliance.

When asked about using IT Governance’s EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Documentation toolkit, Tracie Robinson of Calderdale Council said: “I found the templates and guidance documents very useful. Really opened my eyes to what's coming.”

The toolkit provides guidelines and advice on mapping the flow of data, retention of records, data breach notification, subject access requests, and international data transfer processes and procedures. It also provides consent templates, a data protection officer job description, templates for creating clear and accurate privacy notices, and privacy impact assessment templates and procedures.

Organisations can discover the benefits of using documentation templates, policies and procedures to achieve compliance with the Regulation by downloading a free trial of IT Governance’s EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Documentation Toolkit.

To find out more about IT Governance’s GDPR Documentation toolkit, please visit the website, or contact our sales team direct by emailing us at or calling us on +44 (0) 845 070 1750.
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